
Sunday, December 9, 2018

Our Own Deceitful Hearts

Proverbs 28: 26

He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but he who walks wisely will be delivered. 

Our hearts, our emotions, are not reliable. They are fickle. They change, and they lie to us (Jeremiah 17:9). That's why we need God's wisdom, to teach our hearts how to think according to Truth, to reality. 

So often I've found myself living my life according to some fantasy, some made-up world that distorts reality. 

O my Father, please help me, strengthen me, teach me to trust You and lean on You! Let me not trust my own heart, that has deceived me in the past, and it always will. 

Let my life be an example to others to give them understanding of You and Your ways. Draw them to trust You and seek Your face. Then grant them repentance, to turn to You and receive Your great gift of Salvation, and the Redemption that is in Your Son. 

Teach me to have an inviting spirit to offer Your good gifts to others. Lead me to the ones whose hearts You have prepared to hear Your Good News, and give me Your words to speak and teach. 

When I was at the end of my rope, I ended up back home: there is where You came to me! 

Use me, Father, to draw others back home to You, our Source and our Sustenance. 

Father, use the crises in others' lives to show them Your goodness and care for them, drawing them to Yourself. Show them their own culpability in the misfortunes and sorrows they face, that they may repent and turn from their foolish ways; put their feet on the path of righteousness for each one, according to Your plan for their lives. 

I know that You deal with each person differently, according to how each one is made. We are all human, but we each have our own personalities and abilities and proclivities. Father, You love a variety, and even all Your angels are individuals, too. 

Father, help me to recognize the differences in the people I meet; to love each one according to who they are, seeing the common needs we all have. Don't let me stand in Your way with anyone.

Send more workers into Your fields that are white to harvest, Father. Send even me, to find some of those lost sheep, to bring them into the safety of Your One Fold with One Shepherd. There are only a few "days" left.

For Your Son, our Savior and our King, will be returning to this realm of humanity soon, to rule as our Righteous and Just King over all kings and Lord over all lords. And this Epoch of Man will give way to the Kingdom of God in Christ, on this Earth, and all our choices will be paid with Life or with Death. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!