Romans 13:7-10
(7) Render to all what is due them. --
Pay your bills, pay off your debts.
Tax to whom tax is due; --
This is tribute, an individual assessment on persons or property, a tax.
Custom to whom custom; --
This is a general toll on goods or travel.
Fear to whom fear; --
To be put in fear of, alarm, fright, be afraid; exceeding, fear, terror.
Honor to whom honor. --
Valuables; by analogy, esteem, especially in the highest degree; or the dignity itself.
(8) Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; --
This is God's agape love for us, that we are to love one another with.
For he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. --
When we have God's love for one another, we will choose to consider their needs and to do for them whatever it means, no matter what it costs us. We will put the other first, not even thinking about ourselves. That way we will be obeying all the laws: we won't commit adultery, we won't murder, we won't steal, we won't covet their property, we will automatically do good to others and not harm them in any way.
(10) Love does no wrong to a neighbor; love therefore is the fulfillment of the Law.
There is no way we can love others this way in our own human nature; we must have God's Spirit living in our spirits, giving us that New Life that comes with the New Birth.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!