
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Confess And Believe

Romans 10: 9-10

That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord,

If you say out loud your belief that Jesus is the Lord God Almighty.

And believe in your heart 

Believe all that Jesus did in fulfilling the Old Testament Law.

That God raised Him from the dead

That the Father accepted His payment on your behalf by raising Him with Resurrection Life, to give us that same Resurrection Life.

You shall be saved;

Rescued from the power of sin and cleansed from every stain of sin.

For with the heart Man believes, resulting in righteousness,

With our will and emotions we choose to trust that Jesus did all the work for us, and let Him do it all, not trying to save ourselves; that results in God putting on our account Jesus' perfect Righteousness, because He put on Jesus' account all our sin.

And with the mouth he confesses, resulting in Salvation.

We must have enough faith to be able to tell others of what God has done for us. Enough trust in Him to give us the confidence to share with someone else. Even faith as small as the Mustard Seed, the smallest seed that is planted, is enough; because it's not our faith at issue here, it's Who our faith is in--our great God of the Universe! He is the One with all the might and power to do everything He has planned, including rescuing you!

O my Father God, You have told us so plainly and clearly what You require of us. You grant us that faith to believe, and You give us the gift of Your Holy Spirit to power the New Life given to us to break the bondage of the power of sin over us. 

It is You, Father, that has molded me into a vessel to bear Your honor, when I was a dishonorable vessel, dishonoring my own body and others. 

It is Your will that I be rescued from that life of slavery and changed it into a life of honor to You, leaving the sin that has no more power over me, to walk in Your path, according to Your ways, in Your power to do those things in Your Name that You have prepared beforehand for me to accomplish. 

Thank You so much, Father, for choosing me. I can claim no credit at all for what You have done and are doing in me, and will continue to do, until Your purposes for me have been finished. 

Don't let me get in Your way, my Lord; do Your will in and through me, keeping me humble before You all my days. 

And may You receive all the credit, all the glory, and all the accolaides for doing everything You designed and planned and carried out to completion. When the final credits roll at the end of this "movie" of Mankind, You will take every slot, every position in the list of "who did what" in making it all.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!