
Thursday, July 25, 2019

Why Am I Mistreated?

I Peter 4: 12-19


Remember that it is because you are so greatly loved by God, and Peter wanted to remind the recipients of this letter that he loved them, too. That's why he is telling them these hard things to hear. 

And I care for you, too. 

do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, 

We should not be surprised when we undergo hard times, as these people were at the time; and as God's people have been throughout all times.

which comes upon you for your testing, 

This is another test, because this life is our school.

as though some strange thing were happening to you; 

Don't see it as something unexpected or unusual. Schooling always includes tests as a teaching method.

but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, 

Let it encourage us that we are considered by God to be worth His attention when the World tries to push Christ away and we are caught in the fire.  

so that also at the Revelation of His Glory you may rejoice with exultation. 

Then when Jesus returns in Glory, we also will participate in His honor and authority, and tremendously enjoy being with Him in His presence.

If you are reviled for the Name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of Glory and of God rests on you. 

As long as the reactions of our persecutors are against the goodness and character of Christ they see in us, and we respond positively, then we will be rewarded at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

Make sure that none of you suffers as a murderer, or a thief, or evildoer, or troublesome meddler; 

We must watch our own attitudes so that we won't do any of these evil acts, or even offend by our words; so don't think they're reacting to Christ in you if you have done something of yourself they are reacting to.

but if anyone suffers as a Christian, 

If they really are reacting to Christ in us. 

he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name. 

We need not be beat down, but lift our heads high, giving God the honor that we could be called "Christian," "little Christ."

For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; 

Discipline and punishment always starts in the family, the parents teaching and training their own children how to behave as members of their particular family. 

and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the Gospel of God?
And if it is with difficulty that the righteous is saved, what will become of the godless man and the sinner? (Proverbs 11:31).
We are the children, we have obeyed the Good News that Jesus paid our debt for us, and let Him be our Personal Sacrifice. And that is only possible because the Father has drawn us to this decision. 

When He drew us, we responded by turning toward Him. So what will happen to those who turn away from Him?  

Therefore, those also who suffer according to the will of God 

We who weather all the testings and learn all the teachings and respond to negative circumstances and situations positively and bless those who persecute us and pray for our enemies and treat them in love; then the sufferings we suffer will be what God intends for us, to refine us as His gold and diamonds. 

shall entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right. 

And we will put our lives and ourselves in His tender, loving hands, to do with us as He wants; because we trust Him to be the good and faithful and gracious and generous and just God and Father that He is.

O my Father, please help us all to look at our own thoughts and attitudes to see that they correspond to Your thoughts and attitudes toward us, and not our own, fleshly thinking. Father, our own hearts lie to us, we can't rely on our own feelings to be True. Help us to learn Your ways, to think Your thoughts so we can direct our hearts to feel how You feel. 

Break our hearts for what breaks Yours, Father. Teach us how to love others as You love them, seeing them the way You see them. 

And when Satan attacks us because he hates You, and his minions try to make life hard for us as Your children, then help us to remember that You are using that pressure on us to make us into Your diamonds. 

You have purpose for everything and everyone You made, even the evil and wicked who are against everything You are. You are using even them to further Your great Plan of the Ages. And when the End of this Age comes, all will see how You have worked everything out together for the destruction of the wicked and the good for Your family. 

And as Your sons and daughters, we will shine like the Sun in the Kingdom of Your Son; we will reign with Him in His authority, as He reigns as Sovereign King over All Creation in Your authority, Father God. 

And every eye shall see, and understand how it all fits together. 
And every knee will bow in subservience and obeisance to our Lord Jesus, King of the Universe.
And every tongue in every language will shout out loud the glory and honor and authority of Jesus of Nazareth, the lowly itinerant preacher, who is Lord God Almighty, Sovereign King over all Creation--to the glory of Almighty God The Father!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!