
Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Exact Truth

Luke 1: 1-4

Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile an account ... Who from the beginning were eyewitnesses ... It seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it all out for you in order, most excellent Theophilus; so that you might know the exact Truth about the things you have been taught.

Doctor Luke was a man of science, who was very careful with discerning the Truth. Since "many" others had also compiled records of Jesus' life, Luke wanted his friend to be sure to know the actual Truth of all these accounts, many of which did not make it into Scripture because of inaccuracies. So he carefully investigated, interviewing the very people who were involved, to get down to the nitty-gritty of His life. 

He wanted to make everything clear to his friend, and he also did so for all of us today, too. 

O Father, You are so wise, so generous, so open with us. Thank You for having Luke state how meticulously he investigated to find out all the facts. Thank You for leading him in his search to write for all of us an accurate account of the Man Christ Jesus. 

Thank You for leading Matthew, Levi the tax collector, who walked with Jesus, to show Him as our King, the King of Israel and the King of the World, and the Universe.

Thank You for having Mark, who travelled with Paul, and was personally acquainted with Jesus' family, for showing us how Jesus was our Servant, so we also will serve one another.

And thank You for having John the Beloved, who leaned close to Jesus at the Last Supper, laying his head on Jesus' breast, to record the life of our Lord God Himself in human flesh. 

Thank You, Father, for overseeing the compiling of the New Testament with the very writings that will show us You and Your ways, to teach us how to order our thoughts, which direct our words and walk our daily lives. 

Help us all to learn Your ways, think Your thoughts for us, use our words to build up others, and live our lives to Your glory.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!