Matthew 14: 13, 23
Now when Jesus heard [of John the Baptist's death], He withdrew from there in a boat, to a lonely place by Himself; and when the multitudes heard of this, they followed Him on foot from the cities.
And after He had sent the multitudes away, He went up to the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone.
Here we see that, as Jesus heard of His dear cousin's murder, He withdrew to be by Himself to grieve; yet the multitudes followed Him.
In His gracious compassion, He allowed the interruption: He healed their sick, then fed the 5000; sent the disciples back out in the boat ahead of Him, sent the people away, and was finally able to be alone in prayer to process the grief!
He allowed the interruption, yet did not let it deter Him from what He needed to do--it merely delayed it.
O my Father, You have showed us everything we need to know and do to live our lives healthy and prosperously and holy in Your eyes. You have had Your men to record everything we need to know about who Jesus is and what He did when He walked this Earth, and what He taught of righteousness.
He did not let any distraction keep Him from accomplishing what He needed to do--in this instance, to grieve for His cousin John.
Help me, Father, to take to heart everything Jesus did, show me how each thing applies to my life. And how to share with others how You are working in my life to mold me and make me fit to live with You, in the very image of Your Son, leading them to You, not myself.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!