Ephesians 3: 10
In order that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.
The mystery that is known now is that both Jews (Hebrews) and Gentiles have equal standing in the church (Vs. 1-6), the body of Christ. So now the church is to show forth the wisdom of God before (both the world and) the heavenly rulers and authorities.
We are to demonstrate to them God's wisdom in His plan to draw people from every nation, every tribe, every people, every language, all over the World, into His church, all with equal standing and place in Christ Jesus.
God had chosen one Nation, the family of Jacob, Israel, to give them His Law, so that if they followed His rules He would bless them. Then other Nations would see their prosperity, and come to learn of this Lord God also; and individual persons both in Israel and from other Nations would come to recognize God's authority and be saved.
Now God is calling persons from all over the World to take part in His plan to grow His family, build His building, betrothe His Son to a bride (whichever picture you prefer to see), in saving individuals from the power of sin, and redeeming them from the very presence of sin.
The angels have always watched to see how humans are faring, and they are still watching. They're watching us now.
O my Father, let me be a good example of Your power and wisdom. Teach me Your ways, lead me in Your paths for me, strengthen me to be bold in my choices to do good and to live my life according to Your ways, Father, not my own. Grant me Your wisdom to choose every time according to Your ways and Your character, Father. Continue to grow me to be more like Your Son.
It seems to me that the more I learn of You and grow in Your grace, the farther away that goal of being like Him gets. I know that You started a good thing in me, and that You are continuing to work in and on me to change my attitudes and my character so that You can work through me, also.
Thank You for this encouragement, Father. I see You working in my own life, in the lives of others, and in the governments of the World. No mere man, regardless of the authority he has been given in this world, will be able to change Your Plan in the least detail. Your will will prevail. Your Plan will succeed. There is no doubt of that.
Just as my own son built castles and forests and villages with his Legos, then moved them around and finally broke them down into their individual bricks, and no one could say anything to him about what he was doing with his "creations;" so You, our Lord God Almighty, are moving around the constituent pieces of Your Creation to affect the outcome of the "free will" You gave us to exercise.
You are using every decision that is made in every individual life, in every organization, and in every governmental hall to further Your program for the Nations of the World; to set the stage for the greatest drama ever performed, the live, real, actual ending of this very Age of Man.
Father, You have told us so much of what to expect when all this comes "down to the wire" so we won't need to be afraid or worry or fret about what is happening around us, we can trust You that Your plan is working out. My life isn't falling apart, it's falling into place. And this World looks like it's falling apart, but it's also just falling into place.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!