
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Let's End Well

I Peter 4: 7-11

The End of all Things is near; 

Peter knew that we are in the Last Days. How much nearer the End is now!

therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer. 

So, noting that we haven't much time left, let's be serious, reasonable, and logical, according to God's reasons, so that we can pray accurately. Prayer is very important, especially now, at the End of all Things.

Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. 

Most important here now is that we love one another fervently. When we're loving one another, then their annoying little quirks won't bother us, they'll slide off of us like water off a duck's back. And it's our love for one another that proves that Jesus really did come.  

Be hospitable to one another without complaint. 

Be ready to offer hospitality openly, not being concerned for any extra it may add to your already full schedule. Be generous, and it will all work out. 

As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 

God has given different spiritual gifts and abilities to each one of us, a great variety of colors and sizes in the gifts we each have. We need to recognize which gifts we each have, develop them, and use them to benefit one another. 

For instance:

Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; 

If your gift is speaking or teaching, then depend on the Lord to teach you what to say, not just your own opinions. 


Whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; 

If your gift is serving, then do so graciously, not tiring in your service, but relying on God's strength to keep you going. 

No matter what your particular gift is, use it faithfully to help others. We haven't much time left to finish the course laid out before us, before it comes to the End. Let's get busy.  

so that in all things God may be glorified 

God planned out how all these things work out, and we are working at His direction and in His strength, so He gets all the credit, all the honor, all the Glory.

through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 

It is because of Christ Jesus that any of this is even possible. He participated in Creating it all, He dealt with Mankind all through each season Man has lived so far, and He took on Himself the full responsibility of Redeeming us back into the purpose for which He did it all. So God has given Him full Authority to rule over it all.

So every eye shall see, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess in every language that Jesus of Nazareth is our Lord God Almighty, our Sovereign King, and Owner and Master over all Creation; to the Glory of God the Father!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!