
Friday, December 13, 2019

Who Does The Work?

Galatians 5: 2-7

Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you. 

Paul is still teaching about the physical sign God gave His chosen people to distinguish them from every other people group. They are receiving this rite as a way to try to get God's favor. But Christ has already favored us, dying for us. 

And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law. 

To enter into this realm of belief this way obligates one to continue being bound by all the rules and statutes of the Law. 

You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by Law; you have fallen from Grace. 

They have refused Grace, and cut themselves off from Christ in trying to be good enough; Christ has already made us perfect by washing in His Blood, applied to each of us by Grace through faith. 

For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of Righteousness. 

God has put Christ's Righteousness on us positionally, and we will experience the reality of being His Righteousness when He returns and changes our flesh bodies into spirit bodies. Because of what He has accomplished for us, not for anything we can do for ourselves. 

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through Love. 

Circumcision is done in the flesh, and nothing of the flesh is worth anything in the spiritual realm. So it doesn't make any difference if someone is circumcised, or pierced, or tattooed, that is all in the flesh, which will be transformed, and not flesh any more, but spirit. Because that's how much God Loves us.

You were running well; who hindered you from obeying the Truth?

Paul says they were doing so well following the Lord by faith. Now they've turned back around and are trying to work their way to God again. Who is this that has turned you away from believing that Jesus finished it all already for you?

This whole letter is refuting the teachings of those who came from Jerusalem who are telling them that they have to be Jews first before they can be Christians. 

The first Christians were already Jews, but God saved them right where they were. And God also saves Gentiles right where they are, too. There is nothing we need to do to "get ready" to be saved; God loves us just as we are, and saves us right where we already are, no matter where that is. 

Whether we've been following the Mosaic Law, or a set of rules laid out by religious authorities, or serving any other god by any other of the many names people use for God, or from atheism or pantheism or any other -ism, God will save you if you just turn around to seek Him. 

Even if you are caught and trapped in deep sin and evil. It doesn't matter to God, He is bigger and stronger and has authority over every other thing or idea or belief system, and will overpower everything that is not of Himself. 

He is God! He is the One who thought up and made everything, so we are His imagination, His idea. He is in full control, and does whatever He wants. 

And He wants to save people. Everyone who seeks Him honestly and sincerely will find Him, no matter where they're coming from. 

O my Father, You made Mankind to be Your own children. You plan to make many more Universes, and You want us to help You govern them. All the varied and different things You will make, and You will set us over them as kings and queens to rule in Your authority. 

Nothing can deter You, Your authority is absolute. You are God! There is no other. Only You are the Self-Existent One, You have caused everything else to exist. And You are doing everything You want to do. 

You are good, our standard for what is good. 
You are righteous, our standard for righteousness.
You are wise, our standard for what is smart or intelligent. 
You are our Source for everything. 

And You, Father, will draw all Mankind to Yourself for judgment. Those who seek You, You will draw for salvation; and those who reject You, You will draw to your Court for sentencing. 

O Father, send out Your children to every corner of this World where people are, so that every living person will be able to hear who You are and how much You Love them. Send out Your workers to sow Your seed of the Gospel in every fertile field, and to reap every field that is ripe and ready for harvest. 

Send me, Father, to find some of Your lost sheep, Your wandering lambs who are caught in some thicket of addiction, or some pit of deception. Enable me to lead them by the hand even kicking and screaming into the health and safety and Truth of Your One Fold with One Shepherd. 

And fill Your house with all of Your great family, that every place at Your grand Banquet Table will be filled to feast with You forevermore. 

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will proclaim the Lordship of Christ Jesus, the Son, the Lord God Almighty, King of the Universe, to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen. 

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!