
Saturday, January 14, 2017

All Will Worship

Psalm 148: 13

Let all of these praise the Lord's Name
Because only God's Name is high over all.
Only God's majesty is over Earth and Heaven.

"All these" are what verses 1 through 12 have been listing.

All in Heaven: His angelic messengers, His angelic military forces; 
all that are in the Heaven of Space--all the stars, sun, moon, waters above the sky.

From the Earth: Sea monsters, ocean depths;
Weather: Fire, hail, snow, smoke, stormy wind that obeys Him.
All the geography: Mountains, hills, trees; all the animals; wild and tame and what creep along the ground and fly in the sky.

And all the people: from the Kings, princes and rulers down to the common who are old and young.

"All these," all of Creation, will one day "praise the Lord's Name." Most of these already bring glory to our Maker, by obediently doing what they were made to do. Only demons and Mankind choose to rebel against God's good rules for living in this age. 

But when Jesus returns, all of the whole Creation--including Angelic beings who sinned and all of Mankind who refused God's offer of Salvation--will bend the knee and worship and praise Him Who is High over All, Whose Majesty is over Earth and Heaven. (See also Isaiah 45:23; Romans 14:11; and Philippians 2:10-11.)

Are you now "bending the knee" and acknowledging that Jesus is Lord, the Lord God of the Old Testament, Who is the Creator and Lawgiver, and the Sacrificial Lamb of God Who took our place in Death so He could give us His Life, and will return soon to this Earth as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the King of the World? Or are you waiting for His return, to be compelled to admit the Truth of Who Jesus is and what He has done?

He is either your Savior or He will be your Judge, your choice. My prayer is if you have yet to choose to seek His Truth, and been led to acknowledge that He took Your place on the Cross, then may you now make this decision, no matter what you think it may cost you. Nothing is equal to the wonder and joy of knowing Him (not just knowing about Him).  I will enjoy being the first to welcome you into God's own Family, after the Angels' party for you in Heaven.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!