
Thursday, May 23, 2019

More Noble

Acts 17: 11

Now these (Bereans) were more noble-minded than those in Thesalonica, for they received the Word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily, to see whether these things were so.

This is very important. They were eager to hear what Paul had to say, but they didn't just take his words whole--they consulted the Scriptures every day to check out what he was telling them. 

Paul considered this to be "noble." They wanted to make sure they weren't being duped by reasonable words, but checked it all out by God's Word. 

Evidently those in Thesalonica just accepted what Paul had said, which was okay, because Paul spoke the Truth. But those in Berea wanted to make sure. 

That was good. It's very important to make sure that what you are being told really is true and right. So often people come along as teachers, teaching their own ideas, or stuff they heard from others, that sounds reasonable but doesn't square with God's Truth.  It's mixed with some kind of deception. 

The devil does this to mislead. He has lied to the World, mixing his lies with truth to make them believable, but getting people off the right path into side eddies and ditches. His efforts are to keep us away from the wonderful Salvation God provides, in order to destroy us. 

That's why Paul was encouraged by their checking out what he said against what God said, to make sure he was leading them rightly. 

And I also would be encouraged if you, my reader, would check out what I say in this blog, against what God says in His Word, to make sure that I am not leading you astray with reasonable words. 

If at any time you find that I may not be speaking strictly according to what God says, then, by all means, go with God. Let me know where I am amiss and I will research your sources so that I can correct my thinking. 

O my Father, thank You! You are so good and so gracious to give us Your written Word to read and digest and research and draw out the wonderful Truth You have put into it to teach us and lead us in Your righteous paths. 

Father, if anyone has tried to put into Your Word their own ideas, then I pray for them to be open to Your teaching, to know Your Truth which sets them free. 

And if I have mis-read or mis-understood something that I have shared, then give my brother or sister the courage to share with me, so that my thinking will align with Your thoughts and my understandings will be in accord with Your meanings. 

O Father, teach is to love one another as You have loved us--unconditionally, boldly, openly, and unashamedly. That we may help one another to love You more and serve You better every day. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!