
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Feasts

Exodus 23: 14-17
Leviticus 23: 4-43
Deuteronomy 16: 1-17

The Feasts.

God has given Israel these six feasting times so they will remember all the powerful and wonderful things He had already done for them; and also to show them the whole story of what their Messiah will accomplish.

The Passover: Jesus is our Passover Lamb, the Lamb of God, Who shed God's own Blood to not just cover, but wash away all our sins from each of us.

The First Fruits: Jesus is the First Fruits of the Resurrection (I Corinthians 15:20). 

Pentecost: is the birthday of Christ's Bride, the Church. This is the only feast celebrated with leavened bread, because we are not yet saved from the presence of sin.

These three feasts have been fulfilled. 

The other three feasts will all take place within days of each other, all during the first two weeks of the 7th month: the First, the Tenth, and the Fifteenth.

Trumpets: This was essentially a concert. I see this as what theologians today call the "Rapture of the Church," (a term not used in Scripture, except its meaning to "catch away") when the last Trumpet will sound and Jesus comes with clouds and calls us out of this World, into the air to be with Him (I Corinthians 15: 51-52, and I Thessalonians 4:14-18). That's when we will be changed, our bodies will be like His Resurrection Body, and we will ever be with Him wherever He is.

The Atonement: This was the corporate sacrifice to cover the sins of the Nation Israel for the year. When Jesus fulfilled this sacrifice on Calvary, He purchased the whole World with His precious Blood; now He is our Owner by purchase as well as by Creation, giving Him the right to be our Judge. 

I see Him fulfilling this Feast by scouring this Earth, cleansing it of all the sin; all the wrong, all the cruelty, all the pollution; everything that detracts from this Earth being the Paradise that the Garden of Eden was before the Fall. To set up His Kingdom here to rule in Righteousness for that 1000 years (Revelation 20:1-7).

The Feast of Booths, or Tabernacles: After Jesus scours the Earth of its cities we will need to rebuild, so we will be living in these temporary Booths while we build homes for us all. 

These Feasts all looked back to what God did for His People Israel. And they also looked forward to the story of our Messiah, our Savior, our Sovereign King. 

Our Father has told us the whole story. He has laid out through the whole body of Scripture, how everything began; how the corridor of Time will proceed in how He directs the Nations; and how the whole story of this Earth and our World upon it will conclude; and even hints to what will come after this Universe has accomplished its purpose.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!