
Thursday, April 5, 2018

No End To The Increase

Isaiah 9: 6-7

For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us. 

So the child who will be born is the new thing, a baby. But the son is a Son from before Time, the Second Person (Lord) in the Godhead (Elohim). 

And the government will rest on His shoulders. 

He will be the King over the government in His Kingdom. 

And His Name will be called Wonderful Counselor,

The One Who has (is) all the answers to all our questions, to advise us.

Mighty God, 

He is the Lord God of the Old Testament. 

Eternal Father,

Not God the Father, but the progenitor, the maker, of all of humanity, from before the beginning of Time. 

Prince of Peace. 

He is the One Who will finally end all war and strife on this Earth, in the World of Mankind. 

He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom,

Because the Lord God gave David His throne. (See I Chronicles 29:23--Solomon sat on the Throne of the Lord as king in place of his father David.

When Israel rejected the Lord God as King over them and asked for a human King, then the Lord God gave His Throne to David and promised him that he would always have a man to sit on this Throne as King. And Jesus, humanly descended from King David, will resume His Throne to reign forever.

There will be no end to the increase of His Government and Peace. 

So when Jesus returns and sets up His Kingdom on this Earth (Revelation 6:16; 11:15-18; 16:17; 19:11-16; 20:1-6), then Satan is released and gathers the armies of the World to attack Him (20:7-9), and the Earth explodes and the Universe implodes (20:9; II Peter 3:7, 10-12); then that will only be the beginning! (Revelation 21 & 22). 

When the New Heaven and the New Earth comes, after this World is destroyed, and all our enemies are conquered, including Death; then we will reign with Christ and live in the very presence of Elohim where He lives. And this will be the start of who knows how many worlds to be made, throughout the forever of all eternity! His Kingdom, His rule, will never stop increasing!

This completely blows my mind! Our God is the most incredible God. He has told us the complete "history" of our Earth and Solar System and Universe, from beginning (Genesis 1:1) to end (Revelation 21:1). And this is only the beginning of the story, only the first page in God's Book, only one moment in the expanse of forever. 

This Bible tells us all we need to know to function in this World (II Timothy 3:16), then at the end of it will be another whole Universe; and all we know, all true Science, will be obsolete (I Corinthians 13:8-10, knowledge will pass away, the imperfect disappears). We'll be living and learning a whole new kind of existence! 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!