
Tuesday, June 26, 2018


I John 5: 8

We know that no one who is born of God sins; but He Who was born of God keeps him and the evil one does not touch him.
(KJV: he that is begotten of God keepeth himself.)

This means that no one who has been born-again will allow himself to be caught up into a habitual sin, a sinful lifestyle. 

Even when we may fall back into doing that foolish thing again, we will feel so bad about it that we will confess it and turn from it.

This is because God’s Spirit dwells in us, giving us the strength and the power to break that bad habit and replace it with good practices.

Then the evil one, our enemy, cannot lay hold on us or attach himself to us or grab us (touch). 

God knows we are but dust, and we cannot continually walk in His ways without His help. So He puts His own Holy Spirit into our spirit as the deposit, the down payment on the eternal life He gives us. He is always with us, and when we do something that is not according to His ways (sin), He lets us know that He is not pleased with that and we feel guilty.

Before we were born spiritually, our sinful lifestyle didn’t bother us. But now God’s Spirit in us shows us His ways, and leads us into better lifestyles, that won’t harm us or bring harm to others. 

O my Father, thank You for knowing me and loving me anyway. Thank You for choosing to call me to Yourself and place Your Spirit in me. Thank You that he He is always with me and guides my steps.

Teach me to know His voice when He whispers in my spirit, to follow His direction and form those good habits and lifestyle that will benefit others and bring glory to Your Holy Name.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!