For He did not subject to Angels the world to come, concerning which we are speaking.
God did not give Angels authority over this World we live in, or over the New Heaven and New Earth that will come.
But one has testified somewhere (in Psalm 8:4),
What is Man, that You remember him? Or the son of Man, that You are concerned about him?
You made him for a little while lower than the Angels;
You have crowned him with glory and honor, and have appointed him over the works of Your hands;
You have put all things in subjection under his feet.God has noticed us. God has considered Mankind and chosen to Love him, each one of us.
He created us to spend a little while lower, or inferior to, the Angels, while we live on this Earth now; but we will have the authority over all Creation to rule and govern, including the Angels.
For in subjecting all things to him, He left nothing that is not subject to him. But now we do not yet see all things subjected to him.
So God's Plan is to have us to be His kings and queens, exercising authority and rule over all the created Universe. But we're not there yet. We don't have control over the whole World, even though some people think we do.
We have great power to work together and accomplish anything we can imagine, but we are still little children in school while we live our lives here now. We're only learning and practicing for when we will take our thrones.
But we see Jesus ...
Our right and authority to rule is under the headship of our Lord and King, Christ Jesus. We will sit on His throne with Him, as He sits on the Father's throne and rules with Him.
O my Father, thank You for sending Your only-begotten Son to be our Lord God Almighty. Thank You for giving us Your Law and for telling your Prophets what to write. Thank You that our Lord was willing to come to be with us for a little while, to make us fit to live with You and rule over the works of Your hands.
Father, Your great Plan of the Ages has been unfolding before our eyes here on Your Earth, in this World we have built on it. You have given us to be able to accomplish so much here that some think that we are gods, and have become puffed up with pride.
But You are teaching us that the rulers that are fit to govern are those who have learned humility and kindness and compassion.
You have given us Christ Jesus to be our example, and You are molding us and making our characters like His. He humbled Himself for our benefit, and we are to humble ourselves for others' benefit, also.
O Father, continue to work in us, and on us, and with us, and through us, to benefit one another; as You have shown us. And when we are able to succeed in our humility and obedience and compassion, then You will get the credit, the glory, because we cannot do any of this in our flesh, of ourselves.
We must have the power of Your Holy Spirit in us to do any of it at all. That's why You have given Him to us to live in us.
Father, everything You do is perfect and beautiful and lovely. Everything You want to do for us is for our benefit.
My Daddy, my Father, please use me to find Your precious little lambs who are still lost in thickets and on mountain crags. Use me to haul them out of the pits they have fallen into, and to carry them wounded back to the safety and nurturing of Your fold. Gather all of Your sheep, Father, that there will be One Fold with One Shepherd.
And Your House will be full. And every eye will see, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord God Almighty over us all, to the glory of God the Father who planned it so.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!