
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

So What Shall We Do Now?

Acts 2: 42

And they were continually devoting themselves to the Apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. 

These four things were what the infant church was focused on: 

  1. Learning more about Jesus;
  2. Befriending one another;
  3. Having their meals together (a continual party!); and
  4. Praying, communing with God
We don't see evangelism here. Or preaching. Though we do see them sharing the Gospel with the people they encounter as they live their lives. 

They devoted themselves to the internal priorities, to grow strong in the Lord and in their relationships with one another.

Then reaching out to others came as a natural consequence. 

We would do well to follow this pattern in our new birth: as a new Christian we need to continue to learn God's ways by reading and studying Scripture, as well as strengthening our friendships with our new brothers and sisters in the Lord by spending time and meals together, as well as praying together for one another. 

And as we grow in Christ in these practises, we will begin to reach out to others to share our witness and the Good News. 

And as our responsibilities in the church grow, we must not neglect the fundamental practises. We certainly do not want to lose our "first love," as Revelation 2:4-5 says that the first church, in Ephesus, had, and was told to remember where they have fallen from, and repent, turn around, to love the Lord like they had at the first. It looks like they got caught up into "doing church" instead of being the church.

That happens so often, so we really need to pay attention to our personal relationship with our Father and our Lord as first priority; then our own families must come next, to nurture our children and honor our spouse. Then the third priority is our work for the Lord and the church. 

If we get our priorities wrong, we will lose that "first love"--or lose our families, who we are responsible for before the Lord (I Timothy 5:8). 

O my Father, You are so kind to us, to be so patient with us, giving us second chances, and third and fourth! You know that we are but dust, our flesh is weak, and we need Your strength and perseverance to be who You intend us to be. 

Father, You have even given us Your own Holy Spirit, the power that raised Jesus from the dead, to live inside our human spirits; so we always have access to His knowledge and strength and wisdom and courage to face every trial and maneuver over every stumbling stone and around every pothole in our path. 

And Father, as we do the good works that You planned ahead of time for us to do, help us to lean on you when the enemy's minions slander us, and fight against us, and attack us. He knows that his time is short, and he is furious. 

Protect Your children, Father; may those who are facing extreme persecution know that they can curl up in Your lap, wrapped in Your strong and gentle arms. Let them know that their families are being cared for, not starving. 

And watch over Your people Israel, all the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, scattered over the whole World in every Nation. Continue to carry them, protect them, and preserve them, drawing them to Yourself. 

And, Father, send Your workers into Your mission fields, to find every lost sheep, in every Nation, every people group, every language; to carry them into the safety of the One Fold with One Shepherd. 

And may every seat around Your great Table be filled with all the subjects in Your Kingdom; all Your children, all Your friends, all Your guests, from whatever places and realms they will be found; that Your House will be full!

And every knee will bow, every tongue in every language will confess and admit, that Jesus of Nazareth is our Almighty Lord God of the Universe, to the glory of God the Father, in the power of God the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, through all Eternity! 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!