
Sunday, June 3, 2018

The Father Of Light

James 1: 17

...The Father of Light, with Whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow. 

God is Light, all light comes from Him, there is no other light to shine on Him. Our eyes see shadows. It is the shadows, the shading, that allows us to see the contours, the shape of everything. A drawing with no shading looks flat, and even the pencil or ink casts a shadow our eyes can see. 

So we cannot "see" God with these eyes, there are no shadows to define His shape; and the Light that is Him is so purely bright that its power would destroy our human eyes, it would blind us. 

He made the Sun a light-holder to hold a portion of His Light to give life to this Earth, and we cannot even look at it without going blind. 

So He will give us new eyes in our resurrected bodies, and we will also be "beings of light," shining like the Sun. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!