
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Jacob's Life

I read about Jacob's life, how it is so hard for Jacob to deal honestly with others. He has deceived his father in such a blatant manner in stealing his brother Esau's blessing, then had to leave to go to Uncle Laban (Genesis 27).

Then he, in turn, is deceived by Laban in marrying Leah who he expected to be Rachel (29:21-25), and it seems that Jacob's relationship with Laban is full of mistrust.

When it is time to return home, Jacob steals away while Laban is away from home (31:20). But God has been dealing with Jacob all through these years, and now He even appears to Laban in a dream, telling him to, "leave Jacob alone!" (v. 24). God is so concerned for Jacob, and takes such careful care of him, even in his weaknesses.

And still, when Jacob hears that Esau is coming to meet him with an army, he's terrified (32:6-7). So he divides up his family and possessions, and that night he wrestles with the Angel of the Lord, Who gives him a new name, Israel (vs. 24-30). Now he knows that God really is his God, not just the God of his father and grandfather.

God is also careful to take good care of me. He doesn't "appear" to me, because His Spirit lives in me! His plans for me are what I see being worked out day by day, and they are a tiny part of His grand Plan of the Ages.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!