Isaiah 66:22a
"The new Heavens and the new Earth that I make will endure before me," declares the Lord.
The Earth and the whole Universe (the Heavens) are all wearing out, winding down under the present order of things. The Second Law of Thermodynamics is the Law of Entropy, that everything tends to degrade from order to chaos. This is the curse God placed on Creation because of Adam's sin. If we can't die, then we can't be redeemed. The angels who sinned couldn't die, so they couldn't be redeemed by a substitute dying in their place, and they are now what we call demons.
But when God destroys this scheme of matter and creates the new Heavens and the new Earth, Death itself will be destroyed, so that curse of death will be removed, and we will enjoy only the First Law of Thermodynamics, the Law of Conservation of Matter: What is, is, and can neither be increased or diminished, none more can be created nor can what exists be destroyed, it just changes form. It will endure.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!