Philippians 4: 15-23
(15) You yourselves know, Philippians, that at the first preaching of the gospel, after I left Macedonia, no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving but you alone;
(16) for even in Thessalonica you sent a gift more than once for my needs.
The church in Philippi was very generous and appreciated Paul.
(17) Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account.
Paul wanted these dear brothers and sisters to receive great rewards.
(18) But I have received everything in full and have an abundance; I am amply supplied, having received from Epaphroditus what you have sent, a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God.
What they sent must have been very ample, meeting a lot more than just his needs.
(19) And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Paul knew they would be rewarded for their generosity, and wanted to encourage them with this anticipation. What goes around, comes around. God never is stingy, but very generous with His gifts, out of the super-abundance of all He owns--everything that exists!
(20) Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Paul just has to break out with this praise, as God has done so much for him, and also for you and I.
(21) Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren who are with me greet you.
(22) All the saints greet you, especially those of Caesar's household.
He wants to say "Hello!" to every brother and sister there, and he also extends all the "Hello"s from those with him, reaching from the cells and streets all the way up into the very household of Caesar himself. No one is outside God's plan to save.
(23) The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
Paul closes with this beautiful blessing to those he loves so much in Philippi.
God made the human race to be His own children, so He extends His gracious offer to everyone who would choose to seek Him. And everyone who seeks Him will find Him, when they seek Him with their whole heart. This is His promise.
He is not willing for anyone to perish, but that everyone might come to the knowledge of how much He loves them, and turn to Him in repentance.
O my Father, You are the most wonderful, beautiful Being imaginable! So far above what we are even capable of imagining! You have put Your beauty into everything You made, and Your Love is the order that You placed in the chaos of the universe.
O Father, continue to be with Your children. Show us Your order in the chaos that surrounds us now, all over the world.
Father, lead us on in the paths where You have placed our feet, that narrow path You designed for each of us; holding our hand to keep us straight, not turning to the right hand or to the left, not veering off or wandering away, not running ahead or lagging behind You, but steadily stepping in Your footsteps to guide us. All the way to the Light of Glory that awaits us in that never-ending Day in Your Kingdom.
Every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will proclaim that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen.
Even so, come swiftly, Lord Jesus!