Ephesians 6: 18-20
Now having clothed ourselves with the Armor of God, here's the next step.
With prayer and all petition pray at all times in the Spirit,
We are to pray. Pray always, all day, in constant conversation with our Father through His Spirit.
and pray with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints,
This is what we are to focus on, praying for one another.
and pray on my behalf,
Paul asks these brothers and sisters in Ephesus to pray for him, too.
that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth,
That God would give him the words to speak.
to make known with boldness the mystery of the Gospel,
Even Paul thought he was not always bold enough in witnessing, in sharing God's Good News.
for which I am an ambassador in chains;
Paul is in prison in Rome, but he didn't use it as an excuse, he still wanted to reach out with God's message, even when he couldn't go himself.
that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.
And he asks for boldness again. If Paul needed boldness, how much more do I!
But that you may also know about my circumstances, how I am doing,
Paul also wanted them to know how he was doing, so they would know how to pray for him. He didn't want to hide anything from them.
Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will make everything known to you.
Tychicus would be bringing the letter to them, because he had shown himself to be a faithful servant of the Lord, ministering to them. And Paul trusted him to fill them in with all the details of what was happening to him.
I have sent him to you for this very purpose, so that you may know about us, and that he may comfort your hearts.
This is why he sent him, and also to assure them that everything would be all right, because God works everything out for our good.
Peace to the brethren,
God gives His Peace to all His children, we need to realize this and live it out in our thoughts and lives.
and Love with faith,
When we believe enough to trust Him fully, we will realize how much He Loves us.
from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Father and our Lord both are giving us the gifts of faith and Love, and every blessing.
Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptible Love.
Grace and graciousness has been given to us, and we are to pass it on to others as well. And the Love with which He Loves us lives in us, and is not able to be changed into any other form, any kind of fake or artificial "love."
O my Father, thank You so much for all You have done for us all. Thank You so much for who You are, and how You are. Thank You for giving us Your Word, Jesus Christ, Your only-begotten Son, sent to us to be our Lord and our Savior and Redeemer, our King and our Judge. Thank You for Your written Word, the body and blood of Jesus, that we are to ingest, to nourish our Life and become our daily living.
Help us, Father, to be faithful to You in our daily Bread and in our constant awareness of Your Presence with us, and our readiness to proclaim Your Truth boldly each time we open our mouth.
O Father, help me to walk with You in Your path for me. Keep my feet in Your footsteps, hold on to my hand firmly as my Good Father, not letting me pull away, or wander off, or veer off to the right hand or to the left, or to lag behind You, or run ahead of You. Keep me with You as You are with me.
And give me the boldness I need to proclaim Your Love to all who enter into my little world, with gentleness and compassion. Don't let my flesh get in Your way, Father, to show Yourself to others through me and my words and actions and lifestyle.
Use me, Father, make me useful in the promotion and growth of Your Kingdom and Your family. Help me to focus on others instead of myself, and to serve others in any way they need to be helped, whatever it costs me.
Teach me how to do this, Father.
Make my crown worthy of casting to the feet of my Lord Jesus Christ.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!