
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Johnathan's Love For David

II Samuel 1:25-26

How the mighty have fallen in battle! Johnathan lies slain on your heights.
I grieve for you, Johnathan my brother; You were very dear to me.
Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women.

David was a man who knew God, so he knew what real love was--he knew the unconditional love of God, and he recognized that love also in Johnathan. That love is not physical. None of David's wives were actually in love with him; even Michal, who thought she loved him, only loved the idea of him as the great hero and king, and when he took off his royal robes and danced in the common tunic before the Lord, she hated him. Johnathan loved David for who he was.

God loves us for who we are, too. This love is pure, it is true, it is deeper than we can know, and nothing we can do will ever change this love, to increase it or decrease it. This is the love that sent His only Son, Jesus, to become a Man, to pay our debt of sin for each of us, so that now God is free to forgive us. He will draw us to Himself, teach us His ways (for they are not our ways), meet all our needs, and help us to have the victory over all our hurts, bad habits and hangups. He will show us how to solve all our problems, heal all the wounds we have or have inflicted on others, mend our family relationships, and use us as His hands and feet to reap the fields of the world, ripe to harvest, sharing His Gospel, His Good News of Jesus' death and resurrection.

God is "not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance." That is His love for us all. But He will not force us. He gently calls, and those who refuse to hear His call, who rebel against His authority as Creator, and choose to go their own way; He will allow to go their own way, away from goodness, away from order, away from light and love, and allow them their choice to spend eternity without Him. But to those who want to know the Truth, who make the effort to seek Him, and desire to know His ways; He will call, and they will answer; He will draw and they will come; He will save and redeem from the bondage that has enslaved them, giving them the power and authority to make good choices to do good and righteous acts. This is what He has done in and for me, and He wants to do the same for you, too.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!