Luke 1: 34
And Mary said to the angel, How can this be, since I am a virgin?
This shows us that Mary was a seeker after Truth. When the angel told her what would happen to her, Mary asked how it would be accomplished; she needed to know all the details.
And the angel told her the method by which God would perform this great feat in her body. He didn't reprimand her for her curiosity, as he had rebuked Zechariah, who had asked the same question, but in unbelief.
Mary had no unbelief, she didn't doubt He would do it, but she wanted more information. And the angel honored her request, and gave her the prophesy of Who her Child would be and what He would do!
I am so glad for Mary's curiosity! We now have that pronouncement to ponder, as Mary pondered so many things in her heart. She knew the Scriptures well and meditated on them, as all the things spoken of her Son and what was said and done by Him, also.
Thank You so much, Father, for Mary's curiosity, which validates my own curiosity! I also seek to know Your Truth.
Continue to open my eyes and my understanding to see what You would have me know in Your Word, to connect the dots to see Your bigger Picture of how everything fits together and works together into that great Tapestry of Time.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!