Psalm 17: 14-15
Men of the world, whose portion is in this life, ... they are satisfied with children, and leave their abundance to their babes. As for me, I shall behold Your face in righteousness; I will be satisfied with Your likeness when I awake.
The people who live only for this life may accumulate things, which they leave to their children, and that's all they can do.
Those who delight in the Lord and believe that He has done exactly as He said He would do in them, for them, and on them, making them His own family; they will one day bear the same likeness as Jesus' Resurrection body, and glow like the Sun. They will be able to look at God and not be blinded by His brilliance. That is the day we will wake up in His glory.
O my Father, I know that I will be satisfied when I awake, resurrected, bearing Your likeness; for I will see You face-to-face, and behold Your glory and Your beauty! I will never be separated from You, for I will dwell with You forever, serving You. And You will display me, along with the rest of Your Bride, as Your trophy of Grace.
You are taking this weak, broken vessel and re-forming me into Your vessel of honor, suitable for the King's table.
O Father, thank You so much for choosing me! Please continue Your work in me, molding my character into the very image of Your Son, my Lord Jesus!
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!