Saturday, October 24, 2015

Ultimate Healing

Revelation 22:1-2

. . . The River of the Water of Life, flowing . . . down the middle of the great street of the City. On each side of the River stood the Tree of Life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the Tree are for the healing of the Nations.

This is in the New Jerusalem, on the New Earth that has the New Heaven, after this present Earth and its Heaven, the Atmosphere, has exploded, and God has re-terra-formed our world. This is the Eternal Heaven that we all long for.

And the Tree of Life is yielding its fruit each month of every year, for food. And the leaves of the Tree are for medicine, for healing the Nations. We are all broken people, broken societies, broken nations; stained and scarred. Even in our Resurrected state, we will need further healing. God will never give up on us or leave us alone; what He began in us, He will finish, even if it takes all of Eternity to get it done!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!