
Monday, January 7, 2019

To Gaze Upon His Beauty

Psalm 27: 4

One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His Temple. 

As God's children we will spend eternity in His House, that we term Heaven. This Psalm is requesting to spend this Earthly life in His House, His Temple. How do we do that?

One way is to recognize that my own body that I live in is also inhabited by God's Spirit of Life. He came into my dead human spirit and made it alive when I knew that Jesus took my place in death to pay for my sins, and His Blood splattered on the sides of His Cross washed me white as snow. Now He has made me fit to be where He lives on this Earth in the Person of His Holy Spirit. 

Second Corinthians says that, you are the temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them (6:16). So you and I are God's Temple.

So to, dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my life, is to acknowledge Christ is in me, and invite Him to accompany me wherever I go, realizing that He hears all my words and knows my every thought. 

When I keep myself aware of His presence with me, then I am encouraged to do things His way, instead of my way. To pause and think, even in the heat of a passionate exchange: Jesus, what would You have me say? 

This is not easy. It takes discipline and patience, which I historically have been short on. But God is still working on me, as well as in me, and I am painstakingly slowly learning. So I hope He is also working through me to help you also to live your life closer to our Father, Who loves us more than we can imagine. 

O my Father, I know that You are God! There is no other like You! You made all things, so every other god who has ever been worshiped is merely a creation from Your hand! 

You are the only God Who has total control of all things, because You made them all for Your pleasure. And You are working out Your plans, the great Plan of the Ages, through the lives of Your chosen ones, as well as every other one You have made. 

You used Pharaoh to demonstrate Your power among the Egyptians, and You used Moses to lead Your people back to their Land.

Now You are preparing the Nations of the World to receive their sovereign King! 

O my Father, continue to work in me and on me and through me, as all the little things become the big things of history, and fulfill Your purposes. 

Therefore, You will receive all the honor and glory forever! And I will gaze upon Your beauty forever!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!