
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Our Unformed Substance

Psalm 139: 15-16

My frame was not hidden from Thee, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the Earth.
Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance, and in Thy book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.

This is from the same Psalm as yesterday. David had insight that people even today lack. Not everything that is legal is right.

David acknowledges here that God sees us before we're born, while we're growing in our mother's womb. God sees our "unformed substance" and already has planned out our lives, writing every day we are to live "in Thy book." 

Every child that is conceived is another person, who God sees and cares for, from the moment of conception. That moment, the father's and the mother's DNA join to form a new person, different from every other person. 

This "foetus" or "fetus" (the Latin word for "offspring" or "baby") is similar to both parents, but different from either one. And twins are different from each other, even when they're identical. 

Each member of Mankind is a unique individual. "When God made you, He broke the mold!" is a saying I heard as a child. It's true, though, God made each one of us as a unique Creation, God loves a variety. We are all the same race, the human race, so we can be categorized into groups with similarities, but every member of each group also has differences from the others. 

We are all made in the image of God, in His likeness; and in that distinction, each person is to be respected, loved, and honored as valuable. Each of us is of tremendously great worth, even the worst criminal. Every person is offered that great Salvation that not even the best of us deserves. "The ground is level at the foot of the Cross." No one has any easier or harder choice than any one else to choose Him. We all need to humble ourselves before Him, admit that we deserve to die, and let His death be our own. 

I think those who think that they are righteous have a more difficult time turning around their thinking processes, because their pride gets in their way. But when God calls them to faith, they also know that they need Christ.

No one is exempt from this need, because, unlike Jesus, we are all born of Adam, and have that damage in our DNA that pollutes everything we do, even our very best altruisms. 

O my Father, thank You for all You have done for all of us! Thank You that You are calling people to Yourself from every Nation, from every part of the world, from every ethnic group, from every economic strata. Thank You that You are no respecter of persons, but You made us all and You value us all, and You have already met all of our needs, for both now and forever.

Please continue to call Your chosen to Yourself. I don't understand why You don't save everyone, but I know You know best. I know that those who refuse You don't want any part of You, and You will never force Yourself on them. So they will experience the consequences of their own choices, to spend eternity away from Your Presence.

I do hope that my humble writings will be clear to those who don't yet have God's Holy Spirit living in them to teach them the Truth, so they will repent and come to You, Father, as You draw them.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!