Isaiah 48:11
I will rescue you for My sake--yes, for My own sake! I will not let My reputation be tarnished, and I will not share My glory with idols!
The World looks at our Nation and they think they see a Christian nation, but they are pointing out all our rebellion as Christianity, which blasphemes God.
Just as Israel was a chosen nation before God, but strayed far from His ways, worshiping all the idols of their neighbors instead of God; so America, a nation founded on Biblical principles, has also wandered very far from Godly ways.
O my dear, glorious Father in Heaven, I pray for this Nation that is known as Yours, but no longer acknowledges You. Father, do not let these other nations disparage Your reputation in the World! Do not allow any of the idols we have set up to honor and adore share any of Your glory!
Please raise up Asa's in our halls of power to tear down all the heathen altars, shrines and idols! Continue to wake up Your Church to recognize these sins, and strengthen us against these abominations, to put away all the secret idols we have set up in our hearts; to live our lives openly in Your righteousness.
Let America be again that "shining city on a hill" to show Your glory to the World, before the end.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!