
Monday, March 16, 2020

Hard-Pressed From Both Directions

Philippians 1: 21-26

We will continue to look at Paul's dilemma. 

(21) For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. 

We saw yesterday that the trial Paul was involved in at this writing was ongoing and he didn't know yet how it would conclude. 

(22) But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. 

He is looking at the benefits of both of these possibilities. To win his case would mean that he would be able to continue to work in the promotion of Christ's Kingdom.

(23) But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; 
(24) yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake. 

Paul is "torn between the two," seeing benefits on both sides. He would love to "be with Christ, which is better by far," but he also realizes the benefits to the Philippian believers of continuing ministry on his part.

(25) Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy in the faith,

Paul knows that the Lord is with him, but when he says, I know that I will remain, he's not speaking infallibly as though he has had a revelation; he is expressing his confidence in the Lord to allow him to continue. 

History shows us that he did survive this trial, he was released and traveled again, before the arrest and imprisonment that concluded in his martyrdom. 
(26) so that your proud confidence in me may abound in Christ Jesus through my coming to you again. 

Their confidence is based on the joy in the faith that will result in their further spiritual growth under Paul's continuing ministry to them. 

O my Father, You have given us so much more than we will ever need. Your generosity should encourage us to share everything You give to us, because we are not to be "pools" but "channels" through which God's love and grace flow. 

You have had Paul write that he would rather be with You, but was confident that he would remain to serve Your church. I see this as so generous of him, that You had taught him to be such a wide channel for Your river of knowledge and grace to flow. And it is still flowing, all the way even to me! 

Father, teach me Your generosity, that I would not be selfish with the gifts You have given me; that I would not be focused only on myself and my stuff, but that my eyes would be open to see the needs of others that I could help with. Show me how You want me to be Your hands and feet, distributing Your bounty to all those You place in my path. 

Send all Your children out, Father, send me out; so that all of Your lost children will be found, and all creation will hear of Your love and grace. 

And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will proclaim that Jesus is our Christ, the Lord God Almighty, sovereign King over all Creation; to the everlasting glory of Almighty God the Father, for ever and ever. Amen. 

Even so, come swiftly, Lord Jesus!