
Thursday, May 24, 2018

Like Jesus Now

I John 4: 17

By this love is perfected with us, that we may have confidence in the Day of Judgment; because as He is, so also are we in this World.

"In this World"! I know that we will be like Jesus is now, when we are glorified with that new body like Jesus', that can travel without going, and walk through walls into a locked room. But "in this World"?

So love is the deciding factor: When we love one another unconditionally, the same way God has loved us, then we are like Jesus is now, even while we are still in this World.

O my Father, You are so great, so good, so wonderful! You have created everything that exists, and put Your beauty into everything! You have planned out what You want to do with all this Creation, and Your plans are good. 

When we know You, Father, and learn Your ways, and follow Your ways as we follow Your Son, Christ Jesus; then we will result in being able to enjoy the prosperity You have built into this Earth, prosperity in every way: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, environmental, and, yes, even financial.

And because this is how God planned us to behave here with one another and with this Earth where we live, when we do it Your way, then we reap the bounty You built into it. And You get all the glory, Father. You deserve all the glory. You have done it all, and we can only cooperate with You.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!