
Saturday, October 17, 2015


James 3:17

The wisdom - Being smart, intelligent, being able to apply knowledge in practical ways

that comes from Heaven - not natural, or earthly

is first of all - of paramount importance

pure, - unadulterated, not alloyed

then peace-loving, - no animosity

considerate, - thinking of other, not self

submissive, - easy to be entreated, open to suggestion

full of mercy - giving the shadow of a doubt

and good fruit, - the fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, etc.

impartial - no prejudice

and sincere. - no hypocrisy.

O my dear Father, please teach us to have this supernatural wisdom that You have promised us if we just ask for it. Help us to have every wisdom that would further Your purposes for all You have created, to be Your hands and Your feet and Your voice in the midst of the world you have placed each of us in, that world of our own families, relatives, friends, coworkers, acquaintances, and the strangers whose paths cross ours. That we may redeem the time, making the most of every opportunity.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!