Psalm 25:14
The secret of the Lord --
"Secret" in the Hebrew is sode; "A company of persons in close deliberation; a secret, intimate counsel." This is God's Plan of the Ages, what the Father, the Son and the Spirit devised and decided before He created anything that is. God's program for the operation of this world on this Earth. There is no way we can know this, except that God decides to reveal it to us.
is for those who fear Him, --
God reveals this program to those who fear Him, the people who are willing to be willing to acknowledge God's power and greatness and authority over us as our Owner, our Master.
And He will make them know His covenant.
These are they to whom God allows to know Who He is and the terms of the contract, the covenant He has put in force over us and for us. This agreement shows us what God has done for us in meeting all our needs. When we understand this covenant and live our lives according to its principles, then we reap the benefits of this world and the next; and God gets all the credit, all the glory for designing it so.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!