Psalm 37: 4-5, 7, 8
Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will do it (He will grant it).
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way.
Cease from anger and forsake wrath; do not fret, it leads only to evildoing.
God is so good, and He has made this Earth specifically for us, Mankind, to build our World here and prosper. He has put here everything we need.
When we delight in our Lord, learning His ways, then whatever desires He has placed in our hearts, He wants to fulfill. Then we'll be able to cooperate with the way He designed things to run, and it will work for us.
Even if it doesn't seem to be happening right away, we can still rest in the Lord and wait patiently for His answer we trust Him to bring us in His time. We don't need to fret over other people who don't even know Him when they prosper, too. If they're doing it God's way, then maybe it will draw them to Him.
And then also we won't need to get angry at anyone, and leave all the wrath for God to take care of. When we take that into our own hands, we're stealing it from God, and making ourselves our own god. Let Him be God, and trust Him to always do what's right, because He is righteous.
He has promised to even all the odds, balance all the books, pay all the debts, and finish every plan. He will see to it, we only need to cooperate with Him.
O my Father, You are our Maker, our Creator; You have made this environment for us, and placed us here. You have made us in Your own Image, after Your likeness--so we have intelligence and a will to choose and imagination to get passionate about.
We receive all these from You, Father. You are the Intelligent Designer Who used Wisdom to create and give order to what You have made; You have chosen to give us the power of choice, so we can choose to love You and follow Your ways; and You have imagined us--if You would not be thinking about us, we wouldn't exist! And Your Love for us is as passionate as a newlywed husband for his new bride, as You have called Israel Your wife, and the church is the Bride of Christ. And His Passion for us is shown by His Sacrifice on our behalf.
O Father, thank You so much for Who You are! Thank You for showing us Your Love, and Your Passion, and Your Grace and Mercy. Thank You for letting us see Your passionate justice for evil and wickedness, to have poured out Your Wrath that we deserve on Your own Son, so You could give us His Resurrection Life, in the Person of Your Holy Spirit to give Life to our dead spirits.
And the passionate drama of Your judgment on those who refuse to choose You and let Jesus take the wrath we deserve upon Himself is another demonstration of Your Love for us.
Father, You are Love (I John 4:16), so everything You do comes of this Love: all Your blessings, all Your Grace and Mercy; and all Your Righteousness and Justice and Judgment and wrath. All of it is because You are Love and our standard for measuring what is Love.
The World has no understanding of this concept. Our enemy has twisted what he wants us to believe about love, and the World has fallen for his deceptions.
But we who have been born into Your family, Father, and have Your Spirit of Truth in us, can see and understand what real Love is, can recognize the Genuine Article, and don't need to succumb to the devil's lies.
Real True Love is not only tender and gentle and passionate and accepting; it is also tough and hard when it needs to be, to remain True and beneficial to us.
Father, I know that my desire to spread Your good Seed of the Word all over the World is from You, and I have waited for more than 15 years for You to release me from that geographical bond, which You have granted! Thank You so much, Father; now show me how to make my plans to be in alignment with Your plans for me, in living out this dream of mine.
Send me, Father, into Your fields white for harvest! Continue to prepare the way before me in these travels. Show me Your ways, my Lord, and take my hand, for You will never let me slip out of Your grip! Lead me and guide me, give me Your eyes to see and comprehend, Your ears to hear and understand, Your words in my mouth to teach clearly Your Word to those You have drawn to hear.
Father, permit me to grow Your Kingdom finding lost sheep to draw into Your fold, in preparation for Your Son, our King Jesus, to return to set up His Kingdom, that Your will be done on Earth just as it is in Heaven.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!