
Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Need Of The Moment

Ephesians 4: 29, 32

Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear. ... And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. 

This is good advice. How often have I reacted to some slight or unpleasantness with a sharp barb! And pushed someone away. 

How much better to pause a moment to take a breath and consider a more positive response, one that will encourage and build up (edify) the hearer. 

This is not easy to do, when I've formed the habit of reacting. It's a whole turn-around of my attitude, and it helps to remember that I care for this person. 

They are coming from some background I may not be aware of, that has them upset and off-kilter. So it's not directed at me, I've just gotten in the way of their outburst. 

This person needs to know that they're valuable and worth respect and honor, even though they're not acting like it. 

God loves us even when we're His enemies. When I was living my life totally against what I knew were His standards, He came to me and loved me more than anyone else ever had. He turned my life around that day. 

Now He lives in me, and gives me the ability to give His love to others. So I can learn to stop and consider my response to others. 

Whenever I have been able to put this into practice, the result has been very positive: it diffused the negativity and strengthened my relationship with that person. 

So I want to learn this new way, God's way, instead of my own, natural way. 

His ways are always better than my ways. 

O my Father, I pray that You continue to work in me to teach me Your ways. And I pray for my loved ones, that their relationships with one another may be strengthened and encouraged. 

Father, help all Your children to live their everyday lives in the Love with which You have loved them, showing one another kindness and patience. Giving grace over their lives, flavored with kindness from a tender heart, with forgiveness, and love covering over all the irritations that result from our past woundings and sinfulness.

Help us to be ever mindful of Your kindness to us in loving us, seeking us, rescuing us, forgiving us, cleansing us, showing us Your ways to replace our ways, and redeeming us. 

O Father, continue to mold us and make us into the very image and likeness of the character of Your Son, our Lord and King. 

Even so, come. Lord Jesus!