
Sunday, August 12, 2018

All Men Will Know

John 13: 35

By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.

Love is the embodiment of all of the Law: to love God and to love one another. It is the basis and foundation to all the laws in the Universe. God's love put order into the stars and contellations, into the solar systems and our own relationship on Earth to the Sun and Moon and other planets. All the Heavenly bodies love God by obeying the laws He gave for them. 

And we are to display to the World His love for us by loving one another as He has loved us: unconditionally and responsibly. 

O my Father, please, I pray, that You would continue to wake up Your church! Please wake us up to the sins we are denying, hiding from ourselves; that we may confess them and forsake them. Cleanse us, purify us, that we might love one another as You love us, forgiving one another and "washing one another's feet." 

Let those who are not Yours depart from Your churches, and let us not fight and bicker and complain. Please teach us to love one another, as You have said, so that others will be able to see our love, and be drawn to You. 

O Father, so often those who are of this World seem to display more love than Your own children! Please display the hidden things, make plain the obscure things, broadcast from the mountaintops what has been whispered in secret--let the Truth be known of who are Yours and who are not, that all people will see our love for one another and Your Truth will be made known; and all Your lost sheep will be found from every tribe, every nation, every tongue; and there will be one fold and one Shepherd! 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!