
Friday, June 29, 2018

He Is Lord

II Kings 20: 9-11

Isaiah said, "This is your sign from the Lord that He will do what He promises. Do you want the shadow to go forward ten steps or come back ten steps?"
Hezekiah replied, "It's easy for the shadow to extend ten more steps forward. No, let it come back ten steps."
Then the prophet Isaiah called on the Lord, and the Lord made the shadow that had gone forward on Ahaz's stairway to back up ten steps.

Here's something God did that was impossible--He made the Sun go backward ten degrees on the sundial! That means that He added time to the day. 

This is the Stairway of Ahaz which was a westward-facing flight of stairs which served as a sundial. The setting Sun's shadow would go up on the stairs as the Sun went down, but the shadow went back down ten steps before going back up again. 

How could God do this? Did He stop the Earth? Did He move the Sun? We don't know how He did it, but whatever He did, it affected the whole Universe, because NASA's scientists found the anomaly in Time in their calculations. 

Hezekiah thought he would die of this serious boil, but God told Isaiah to make a poultice of figs to put on it (v. 7), and he was healed, to live another 15 years (v. 6). 

Nothing is impossible with God. He is God, He is the One Who made everything, and designed it all to run like clockwork. Since He made it, He can also mess with it, without causing a mess in it. 

We think that if the Earth stopped or went backward, that the inertia would cause everything to go haywire! But God is God, we are not, and if God wants to suspend the operation of His rules a little, who can say He can't? He's Lord, He's the Boss! 

Just like when my son made his villages and castles with Legos, he could move them around and remake them anyway he wanted, because they were his creations. He was the boss of them, just like God is the Lord over what He made.

This blows my mind! God can do anything He wants, even fool with Time! 

O Father, You really can do anything! And what You do is always good, because You are good. You can mess with Time without everything crashing and colliding, because You hold us all in Your hand. Your power goes beyond anything I can imagine. 

And You love me more than I can imagine. Thank You, Daddy, for making me Your little girl. Thank You for Your power, for Your greatness, for Your goodness. Thank You for calling out from every Nation, from every people, from every language, from every family line, to be Your own children, born spiritually into Your own family. 

Thank You for telling me about how You will help me whenever I'm at the end of my rope; teach me to call on You before I reach the end. Let me turn to You first, not make You my last resort.

And thank You for telling me about the wonderful future You are preparing for me right now. I look forward to that indescribable time I will have with You in that eternity future. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!