Numbers 14: 18
... Visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations.
Children learn from their parents and grandparents. What the parents do to deal with the problems and soothe their pains is how the children and grandchildren learn to be the ways to handle their own troubles. That means generational alcoholics, or temper fits, or whatever. We learn from our models.
We also can inherit in our genes the propensities to be vulnerable to certain failings of character. This is the "original sin" that Adam passed on to us, because the fruit he disobediently ate changed his physical make-up to make him vulnerable to death. Had he eaten instead from the Tree of Life he would have lived forever. Complete opposites.
But once he sinned, God forbade him the Tree of Life, because God wanted mankind to be able to die--this way he could have a Savior to die for him.
That's why Jesus was born--to die as the Sacrificial Lamb of God for us.
We don't have to do things the way our parents did them--we can learn God's ways and deal with setbacks with patience and endurance and perseverance. We can decide to focus on the positive and be thankful for all the blessings God showers on us every day. We can decide to forgive those who have hurt us and be kind to them, instead of holding a grudge against them.
When we do life God's way, to love Him and serve Him by serving one another, then the joy of the Lord will be our strength, and our example can even lead our "enemy" to recognize the Lord.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!