
Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Lord's Anger And Power

Nahum 1: 3

The Lord is slow to get angry, but His power is great, and He never lets the guilty go unpunished. He displays His power in the whirlwind and the storm. The billowing clouds are the dust beneath His feet.

God is God, and there is no other. He is Almighty God, Lord of the Hosts of Heaven. His power is greater than humanity can imagine. 

All the evil rulers in this World have no idea of His Plans or ways, they have been deceived and blinded by our enemy. They put their trust in themselves and the things of the World, and they do not realize that God is giving them time and space to repent.

But in the end, the guilty will not go unpunished. Their calamity will come upon them suddenly, and they will be destroyed. How much better it would be for them to hear about God's love in Jesus, taking their punishment for them, so they can live. 

God is just, and He is also the justifier of those who let Jesus be their personal Sacrifice. That has been His Plan from the beginning. He gave His chosen people the sacrificial system so that we would understand how Jesus is our Lamb of God, shedding God's own Blood on His altar, the Cross. Animal blood could not take away our sins, only cover them; Jesus' precious Blood actually washes away our sins. Now that He has come to fulfill that Law, we don't have sacrifices any more, so our understanding today must come from the past. 

When Jesus died He fulfilled the personal sacrifice law for individuals for our salvation, one by one. He fulfilled the corporate sacrifice for the Nation, in purchasing all the Nations, making Him our rightful judge. So those who refuse to admit that they deserve that death and let Jesus pay their eternal debt for them will be judged by Him. So let's tell them. 

Pray that God will send laborers into His fields that are already white to harvest. Wherever you live, tell the people you know about Jesus. People everywhere need to hear this good news that they don't need to work to try to please God, He already loves them and sent His own Son for them. Now we can trust Him to have done all the work to save us from the power of sin in our lives.

O my Father, thank You for Your faithfulness to Your Word. Thank You for telling us what You are doing, and giving each of us a part to play in Your great Plan. Thank You for Your wisdom in using everything that happens to further Your purposes for this World, according to Your Plan and in Your time. 

Help us, Father, to understand how what You have done for us applies to our own lives, and teach us how to cooperate with You in what You are doing where we are, where You have placed us in the World. 

Here we are, here I am, Lord; send me to where You want me, use me to tell those You have prepared to hear, and keep me faithful to Your ways. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!