Matthew 10: 34
Do not think that I came to bring peace on the Earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
God is so good to us all. He made this Earth for us and put in it everything we need for every contingency. He's given us one another to help each other and uphold each other. He taught us His ways, which are the right and righteous and practical ways that work.
Yet we refuse to thank Him or honor Him for all the good gifts He showers upon us. We rebel against God and His ways, we destroy this Earth as we ravish it for our own selfish, short-term needs with no thought to caring for it for future generations; we desire only to satisfy our own lusts for power, pleasure and self.
No wonder Jesus came to bring a sword, to set the wicked against the righteous and against each other.
O Father, continue to wake up Your church! Empower us to become one, even as Father, Jesus and Spirit are One! Then the World will see and finally give You the glory.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!