
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Ground Is Level

Galatians 4:28-31

And you, dear brothers and sisters, are children of the Promise, just like Isaac. But you are now being persecuted by those who want you to keep the Law, just as Ishmael, the child born by human effort, persecuted Isaac, the child born by the power of the Spirit. But what do the Scriptures say about that? "Get rid if the slave and her son, for the son of the slave woman will not share the inheritance with the free woman's son." So, dear brothers and sisters, we are not children of the slave woman; we are children of the free woman.

I am friends with a couple from the USA who have been living in Israel for several decades as missionaries to the Jews. 

I am also acquainted with a missionary who is gathering some of the children of the slave woman into God's church in Jerusalem. 

Both of these groups of people are in desperate need of Jesus' saving grace, as all the rest of us are. For there is no more distinction between Jew and Arab, Israeli and gentile, civilized and barbarian, slave and free. The ground is level at the foot of the Cross--God has counted us all as sinners. So His Blood can cleanse each one of us, if we just humble ourselves before Him admitting we deserve death, and let Jesus take our place on the Cross to pay our debt for us. That is why He was born into our World, so He could take us to His Heaven.

We are to pray for all kinds of people: rich and poor, near and far, friends and enemies. God is not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But not all know that Jesus came to save them, they've never been told. So we need to pray that God would send laborers into these fields that are already white for harvesting. People all over the world, including the Middle East, are turning to God Who loves them, away from the idols and gods of this World that have enslaved them. They just need to hear. But how can they hear without a preacher? And how can they preach unless someone is sent?

Pray, pray, pray! God hears the prayers of His beloved children, and if you are praying, God may even send you! 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!