I Corinthians 12: 27-31
Now you are Christ's body, and individually members of it.
Because we are all one body, we need to cooperate with one another for the body to operate effectively.
So the order of authority that God put into all of His creation also applies to the church.
And God has appointed in the church, first apostles,
The apostles were the men who laid the groundwork on the foundation of Christ for the building of the church, so they came first. Now that part is finished. Beware of anyone calling himself an apostle today, because the framework for the church has already been laid.
second prophets,
Next came those who would speak God's words to the people, explaining how we are to live now according to this New Covenant, instead of the Old Covenant.
third teachers,
Then the teachers would teach what the prophets had received from God, to disseminate the new ways of thinking throughout the whole church.
then miracles,
These were supernatural confirmation of all this new way of thinking and living and relating.
then gifts of healings,
This related to the physical health of those who were ill or disabled or demon-possessed.
The note on this refers to Numbers 11:17 when God put the Spirit Moses had on some 70 elders of the Hebrew people to help him carry the load of all the people so he wouldn't have to bear this great burden alone.
These were political abilities to govern the church.
various kinds of tongues.
This gift of languages is mentioned last in this particular list.
All are not apostles, are they?
The answer here is, "No," of course not.
All are not prophets, are they?
Again, of course not.
All are not teachers, are they?
Same answer, "No."
All are not workers of miracles, are they?
Again, "No."
All do not have gifts of healings, do they? All do not speak with tongues, do they? All do not interpret, do they?
No, no, and no. No one gift is given to everyone, other than the Holy Spirit, himself, manifested in all the different gifts given to all the people.
But earnestly desire the greater gifts.
These Corinthians seemed to be fixated on the particular gift of tongues, which Paul will deal with a little later. It happens to be a lesser gift, that has less of an impact on building up Christ's church. Paul wants them to focus more on the more powerful and efficacious gifts rather than the showy ones.
And I show you a still more excellent way.
This leads into Chapter Thirteen, the Love Chapter.
O my Father, please help us to have a clear understanding of how You have designed Your church to operate. Teach us to submit to one another, and to obey You in following the directives of our leaders. Lead our church leaders into Your righteous paths so they will lead us aright.
Father, help us to be Your church, following You, according to Your ways; with the humility to recognize our own positions in Your order of authority, those higher on the ladder submitting to the rest, offering their hand of help in compassion and graciousness.
And help us all as Your children, to see one another as You see us, treating each other with kindness and gentleness especially when our rough edges rub.
And send us out into Your fields that are white to harvest. Use us to find every lost lamb that is caught in thickets or lost in crags, so that all Your sheep will be drawn into the safety of the fold, and there will be One Fold with One Shepherd.
And every eye shall see, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!