Ephesians 2: 1-4 says that we were all dead in our transgressions and sins, gratifying the cravings of our flesh, born by nature objects of God's wrath. Then His great love for us in the richness of His mercy made us alive with Christ.
The song says, "All my soul needs all Your love to cover me so all the world will see that I am nothing without You."
As the snow covers the junkyard and garbage heap with a thick blanket, soft and beautiful, over all the stench and sharp points and rough edges; so I need God's love to cover all my sharp points and rough edges in my relationships, especially within my own family, to soften my barbed tongue (and keyboard) and my attitudes toward their lifestyles.
I need to love them with God's soft and beautiful love, tough only in maintaining my own boundaries, but gentle in all other areas regarding them and their views.
O my Father, since I wrote this in my journal, You have been working in my attitudes and my self-control to try to think before I express myself. It has been a long road, but You will never give up on me. Thank You, Father, for Your love, sweet and gentle, as it is strong and resilient. O Father, Your love goes beyond anything I could ever even imagine, it is so much more than any words I can use to describe it.
Please continue to teach me how to love with Your love, not my own. Only Your love will heal and mend all the tangles and misunderstandings in our faulty and unreliable relationships. Only You, God, are the answer to every question.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!