
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

His Purposes In Me

I Thessalonians 5: 23-24

Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until that Day when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God, Who calls you, is faithful; He will do this.

When a person realizes that they deserve death and Jesus took their death for them on the Cross, that's when God causes them to be "born again" into His own Family by putting His own Holy Spirit in their spirit, making it alive. Then that person begins a whole new journey of life, having a whole new nature in addition to their human nature. 

When God showed me Jesus on the Cross, and I knew He didn't deserve any of it because I did, He took my place there in death, I left that room floating, and realized that God had taken the load of sin off my shoulders and put it on Jesus at that moment in time. And I had new sight; like I'd been living in a black-and-white world, now I can see in full Techni-color! 

Now God is working in me, and He has been since that day, to make me holy, and to keep me blameless until that Day when Jesus returns. He has promised to do this, and He always keeps His promises!

O my Father, thank You for this wonderful promise! I'm so glad You are working in me, on me, and through me, through Your power. Because I know that I am still so weak and rebellious, lazy and willful. I cannot do right in myself, I must lean on You, Father, and use Your strength, for I have none. 

In me, in my flesh, there dwells no good thing--anything good, or pure, or righteous in me is all and only of You, my Lord God; You are working in me according to Your own good pleasure, and You will accomplish Your purposes in me in spite of my weaknesses.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!