
Monday, January 8, 2018

Be Strong, Don't Fear

Deuteronomy 31: 7-8

Then Moses called to Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel,

God was not going to let Moses be the one to lead the people into the Promised Land. Moses wanted to make sure that the people would not be like sheep without a shepherd without him, and God told him to commission Joshua to lead them in his place.

So Moses gathered all the people together to witness this "passing of the baton" so they would know to listen to Joshua, and follow his lead. This was important.

So what did Moses say to him?

"Be strong and courageous, for you shall go with this people into the Land which the Lord has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall give it to them as an inheritance.

And the Lord is the One Who goes ahead of you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed."

We tend to fear what we don't understand. They knew that the people who were already in this land were strong Nations with fortified cities, and that little Israel would not be able to stand against them alone. This is very concerting. Without outside help, this little Semite Nation would be obliterated by these "giants" who already had this place. Very scary.

That's why Moses kept telling Joshua not to fear, because the same God Who defeated Egypt would be going ahead of them to also defeat these people for them. It is God Who is giving them this Land, and He will fight for them, if they would only follow God's leading through Joshua. 

So Moses commissioned Joshua in the full sight of all Israel so there would be no doubt that he would be their commander. 

Everything is being set up for success for the family of Jacob to inherit the property that God chose for them, and everybody can live "happily ever after."

But this is no fairy tale, and human beings still have that "sin-nature," the "original sin" that we all inherit from Adam, which makes us vulnerable to be deceived by all the baubles and bangles and shiny things of this world. All the ideas and mind-sets that put money or things in first place in our priorities. These are the false gods all around us that entice us away from God. 

And all the beautiful women and handsome men of these peoples in the land were a very attractive enticement to these Children of Israel. That's why God told them not to pay any attention to them, but to keep their own God on the throne of their hearts. To be forewarned is to be forearmed, but did the people take to heart these warnings?

Do we take to heart these warnings? Our God does not change, and our enemy has never changed his tactics, either. Lucifer is still Satan, who entices each one of us with whatever would hook us into slavery to our own passions or desires or pleasures, looking for the "good life" this World offers. Instead of looking to God and learning His ways, the ways He designed this World to work on this Earth. 

So often it looks like the easy way will turn out just as good as the more difficult thing that we know is right. But when we do that, things just don't end up like we thought. We were deceived. If only we would trust God enough to just believe that His way is the only good way, even in the face of extenuating circumstances, even when they look like they will be impossible to take; that's when He will go before us and defeat our enemies for us, so we can take that good "land" He has given us. 

So, "Be strong and courageous; do not fear or be dismayed."

Always consider that the Maker of this whole Universe loves what He made, and enjoys seeing us enjoy what He does. So determine in your own heart to get to know this Creator, to trust Him to always do for us what is good for us, even when it seems painful at the moment. Understand that it will all turn out for your benefit, and for His glory in the end.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!