Psalm 32: 8
The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."
God knows the best path of life for each one of us. If only we will submit to His Lordship over us, letting Him love us with His enormous love, and in loving Him in return, following His ways; then He will guide us, advise us, and watch over us.
Repeatedly in the Bible I've seen that we are to "be careful" to recognize God's ways, to "pay attention" to everything He says and what He means by it, scattered all through the whole body of Scripture.
So we will never just "fall into" doing what is right, we need to take care and be aware. Every time I find myself going on "automatic," that's when I have troubles and sorrows and difficulties. Then I need to confess to God what I've done and turn back around to observing His ways, the principles He based all His Laws upon.
I know that it's possible for me to miss the great things God has planned for me to do to further His great Plan of the Ages toward His Kingdom; I read about Israel's first king, King Saul, and how he did what was just little things that were not what God told him to do, and he missed out on tremendous blessing that he was never even aware of while he lived (see I Samuel 13:13-14). God wanted to set up a dynasty for Jesus to come through, but when King Saul listened to his "good sense" and yielded to "the people" instead of fully obeying what God told him to do, he missed this great benefit, and God chose another man for that role.
If I don't do what He wants me to accomplish, then He will just choose someone else to do it. But I will lose out on what He wants for me. Nothing I can do will ever interfere with or deter God's Plan, He will see that it is carried out. But I will miss out on great blessing if I'm not "careful" to "pay attention" to all the little things He is directing me to do as He guides me along the path. All the little things build into the great thing.
O my Father, Your love to me is better than anything I can ask for, think of, or even imagine. Because You love me, You are leading me along Your path set before me; Your plans for me are for my good, so that when others see all the good You do for me, they will be drawn to You, and You will receive all the credit, all the glory and honor for all You are doing in my life.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!