My novel, From Darkness to God's Light, based on my own story, is now published! This story shows how powerfully God wants to work in a person's life, when they sincerely seek Him and want to follow His ways!
This book follows Babs as she sinks deeper into the darkness of sin, trapped and unable to help herself. Then God shows up and miraculously delivers her from this moral slavery as He brings her into His Light of understanding, and her whole life turns around!
You may read this miraculous and adventurous book on Amazon, at You can also get this novel at other bookstores, on request.
And you may go back and read any of these Bible study blog entries that I have posted over the years. I think I've at least touched on about every Book in the Bible, and they're all titled, so read whatever interests you.
May God bless you and help you to grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!