II Corinthians 5:21
God made Him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.
Jesus became sin: That means He took upon Himself our very sin-nature, the root and fountainhead of every sin from the least to the very greatest. He did not die for individual sins, but He took the whole basket, and everything in it. While He bore our sin-nature on the Cross, the sun refused to shine, and the Earth could not withstand without the sun, so after three hours it upheavaled and God used the earthquake to rip the curtain in half from top to bottom, revealing the Holiest of Holies to the common people, letting us know that we no longer need any priest or go-between to get to God, each one of us can enter into His very throne room through what Jesus accomplished on the Cross.
So that we might become His righteousness; not to do right things, but be righteousness. Jesus became sin and died; we become righteousness and live, to live out that righteousness. We are to work out in our attitudes, actions and words that great salvation that God has worked into us. To live His righteousness.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!