
Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Lord's Doing, Wonderful To See

Psalm 118: 22-29

The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone. This is the Lord's doing, and it is wonderful to see. 

This is Jesus, and it is wonderful to see God's amazing Plan carried out by Him.

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. 

We can quote this verse every day.

Please, Lord, please save us. Please, Lord, please give us success. 

Have you ever pleaded with God like this? He will answer this prayer, prayed with a broken spirit and a contrite heart (Psalm 51:17).

Bless the one who comes in the Name of the Lord. 

This, again, is Jesus (on Palm Sunday); but it can also be anyone.

We bless You. We bless You from the house of the Lord. 

To bless God is to recognize His worth and value, as He does for us when He blesses us. 

The Lord is God, shining upon us. 

We know the Lord of the Old Testament as Jesus; He is the Light of the World.

Take the sacrifice and bind it with cords on the altar. 

The horns on the four corners of the altar were for this purpose. When I give myself to God, I am the sacrifice, and if I'm not bound I will jump off.

You are my God, and I will praise You! You are my God and I will exalt You! Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever.

We love God because He first loved us. 

O my Father, You are the One I desire, You are the Good I seek, You are the Goal of every endeavor. You have been so good to me; every day I experience Your blessings; You lavish Your love upon me continually! 

Father, bind my life upon Your altar; restrain me from jumping off in reaction to the pain and going my own way. Keep me always in Your way, that I may accomplish Your Plan, Your way, in Your time, to fulfill Your purposes and objectives in my life. Then You will receive all the blessing, all the credit, all the honor and glory, for it is You Who deserves it all.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!