
Friday, February 22, 2019

God Loves A Party

Nehemiah 12

This chapter records probably one of the greatest concerts God's people performed for Him. They were dedicating the wall that they had finished building, so they formed two choirs with orchestras to accompany the singing, and they played and sang marching on top of the wall in two directions, one going left and the other going right, then came together at the Temple, singing and playing the instruments. 

This must have been a marvelous performance, with singing and instruments playing and everyone rejoicing in the Lord, even the women and children rejoiced, so that the joy of Jerusalem was heard from afar (v. 43). 

I can imagine God smiling down upon His children, receiving all their joyful praises and sacrifices. Just like parents do when their children happily honor them in love and fun. 

I'm glad that God gave us music. The right music fosters such joy and rejoicing and fun and good family relationships, enjoying one another in love. Along with the food, too, of course (the sacrifices). What a grand party they had that day.

And they all shared in the bounty. So all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel and Nehemiah gave the portions due the singers and the gatekeepers as each day required, and set apart the consecrated portion for the Levites, and the Levites set apart the consecrated portion for the sons of Aaron (v. 47).

O my Father, You are a party-God! You love to party with Your people, in enjoyment and goodwill. You told Your people to come have a week-long party at Your House three times every year. You know that we cannot work all the time, so You gave us the Sabbath so we'll take off at least one day each week, and You had them take vacations to unwind and renew friendships. 

Father, You know how You made us, You know how You want us to function without burning out. You want only good for us, as every good father desires for his children. 

If only we would listen to You, and take You seriously, and go ahead and take time off--even if it looks like it would cut into our bottom line. Show us that allowing breaks and vacations really does make us more productive, and we will be able to enjoy more and more of Your bounty You put into this Earth for us. 

And we can enjoy concerts, too, and other wholesome get-togethers. All good for our mental and emotional health, and to strengthen bonds with family and friends. People will last forever, none of the stuff we work for. So we can enjoy the stuff and share it with one another, and value the people we love. 

And when we love God and love one another, we will be obeying all His Law. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!