
Monday, June 5, 2017

The Wall Of Righteousness

Ezekiel 22: 30

I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone who might stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn't have to destroy the land, but I found no one.

I am concerned for any nation that doesn't have a wall of righteousness guarding their land. There have been only two nations in the history of the World that have been able to have that wall of God's righteousness, and they've been Israel (because God gave His Law to them) and the United States of America (because our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution were based on that Law). 

Israel did not maintain that wall, being seduced by all the idols of the nations around her, and God destroyed their land that He gave them, scattering them to all the Nations. Unlike any other people who had been conquered and dispersed, they didn't get lost in the genetic dilution, but always maintained their own identity. Now, since 1948 Israel has again been a Nation among the Nations of the World. But they have yet to recognize their Messiah.

America has a different story. When our founding fathers came here to be able to worship according to their consciences instead of having to join a state-church, they devised a system of government that permitted the new Nation to prosper greatly and enjoy peace with other Nations. We were a very moral people who were mostly church-going and we taught our children how to read with the Bible as their textbook. That's why God blessed us so greatly.

But like the rest of mankind, we got to thinking that God's laws were too restrictive and we thought we knew better, so we changed the laws, and took the Bible out of our schools, and we've experienced two world wars, but not on our soil. Then we took the Ten Commandments (that all our laws were based on) out of our public buildings, and now we're having terrorists flying into our buildings and deranged, cowardly gunmen are mowing down our citizens in no-gun-zones.

Now we have a Christian president and a Christian vice-president, and I do hope that they will seek God with their whole being, and follow His ways in all their decisions to bring God's righteousness back to this Nation, and that God will protect them from their ungodly enemies as they do what is right for all of us. I pray that they will stand in the gap and rebuild that wall of righteousness to guard our land.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!